Final Program now is available
Conference Venue: "Salón de Grados" of the
Faculty of Science
extended abstracts (3 pages maximum) of the accepted contributions
can now be submitted directly to the online journal "International
Journal of Complex Systems in Science"
Submit your extended abstract here (please, include in the subject
"Net-Works 2015 contribution) Extended
abstract template
information concerning conference registration. New!!
Selected papers
from contributions to the conference will be published as a special
issue of a high-ranked Journal.!!!
The 6th International conference on Complex
Networks and their Interdisciplinary Applications will be held in
Granada (Spain) from September 16th to September 18th 2015. As
in previous editions, this conference is devoted to present and
exchange the latest results concerning the theory and application of
complex networks in different aspects of nature, society and
The program of Net-Works 2015 includes a set of invited plenary talks
from very well- known experts in the field of complex networks, a
number to be determined of talks selected from the received abstracts
and a poster session.
Social events are also planned, including an evening visit to the
Alhambra Palace
It is a pleasure for me to kindly invite you to participate in
Net-Works 2015.
We look forward to seeing you in Granada!
Joaquin J. Torres
General Chair
Net-Works 2015 International Conference
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