Net-works 2015

International Conference

Complex networks and their interdisciplinary applications

Granada (Spain)

September 16-18, 2015

Important deadlines:

Abstract submission (deadline has been extended): June 15th 2015

Contribution acceptance: June 25th 2015

Abstracts (with a maximum of 250 words) must be submitted (in pdf format) following the link below

Abstract submission

latex template

After acceptance,  an extended abstract (with no more than 3 pages long) might be sent to be published in the online journal International Journal of Complex Systems in Science  (ISSN 2174-6036) (follow the link below for further information)

Template for extended abstracts

Submit your extended abstract here (please include "Net-Works 2015" in the subject)

This publication is equivalent to the book of proceedings. The extended abstracts shall be sent, as latest, one week before the conference.

In addition, selected papers from contributions to the  conference will be published as a special issue of a high-ranked Journal. Negotiations with "Chaos" (An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science) and "European Physical Journal (Special Topics)" are currently under way.



Statistical Physics Group - Institute "Carlos I" for Theoretical and Computational Physics - Universidad de Granada - Web realizada por Alvaro Enciso Ruiz