Bo Einarsson National Supercomputer Centre Linköping university SE-581 83 LINKÖPING SWEDEN Tel + 46 13 281432 Fax + 46 13 282535 Email
This version of the tutorial on Fortran 90 can be used on UNIX, Windows 3.1, Windows 95, and Apple Macintosh. It has only relative links for all files which are direct part of the tutorial, and uses absolute links only for external Web-pages.
The reason is that it should be possible to use the book without any telephone or network connection.
When I wish to use the system locally I just disconnect the electric power to my external modem. If I am already running Web on the net, I close the connection with closing the supervising program, usually trumpet.
Files in HTML on PC under MS-DOS are supposed to end with .htm, but most Web-browsers also permit call of files using the usual UNIX-extension .html. The addresses have therefore not been changed from the previous UNIX version in this respect.
Since we use a few short program examples and data files in the package we recommend the user to put the following file extensions: .dat .f .f90 .p .txt (and no extension) to be displayed as text in the Web-browser.
The system has a few differences compared with on a UNIX-system:
For a complete paragraph, however, it works fine with <pre>.
I recommend the following setting of the fonts:
To switch color improves the readability, but it is not very beautiful.
If you chose the font Courier New, which is a nice teletype font, some lines will be messed up, some words will be overwritten.
All suggestions for a better solution are welcome. One good solution is to use Netscape!
The reason for this problem is probably that the revised Mosaic tests for World Wide connection, before starting.
With the modem turned on, the revised Mosaic works well.
A work-around is available. Add the following two lines to the windows\system.ini file:
An additional problem is that the system crashes (has to be rebooted) if you, while without a network connection, click on an external link.
All these problems also apply to NCSA Mosaic 2.1.1. The problem with having to reboot after an attempt to connect to an external link in local mode has however been solved. If you wait for a while you will get the error message "HTAccess: Error accessing". If you then click on OK you can proceeed.
The teletype font works fine. Everything works fine also on UNIX.
There is a problem with the Swedish characters, which appear as Russian characters, because the wrong fonts are being used. This is not a major problem with the English version of the tutorial.
The blank character after & in columns 3 and 4 is put there in order to prevent Mosaic from converting into Swedish characters as in column 1.
Swedish characters | Description | Code | Name |
Å | A with 1 circle | & #197 | & Aring; |
Ä | A with 2 dots | & #196 | & Auml; |
Ö | O with 2 dots | & #214 | & Ouml; |
å | a with 1 circle | & #229 | & aring; |
ä | a with 2 dots | & #228 | & auml; |
ö | o with 2 dots | & #246 | & ouml; |
Other characters | Description | Code | Name | Usage |
É | E with accent | & #201 | & Eacute; | French character |
Ü | U with 2 dots | & #220 | & Uuml; | German character |
Ø | O with slash | & #216 | & Oslash; | Danish character |
é | e with accent | & #233 | & eacute; | French character |
ü | u with 2 dots | & #252 | & uuml; | German character |
© | C in a circle | & #169 | & copy; | Copyright |
alpha.html 1996-03-09 New (Digital UNIX) a4.html 1996-03-30 Minor update epsilon.f90 1996-03-09 New random.f90 1996-03-23 New sum.f90 1996-03-09 New parasoft.html Removed parasoft.txt RemovedAll these changes are included in version 2.1.
is a list of all new and revised routines from that
version 2.1 was distributed.
asa.html 1997-09-12 Minor update a2.html 1997-09-12 Minor correction a10.html 1997-01-31 Minor update a12.html 1997-09-19 New a13.html 1997-09-19 New c5.html 1997-02-03 Minor update c15.html 1997-04-08 Minor update absoft.html 1998-03-02 Minor update bo.html 1996-06-06 Minor update index.html 1996-08-12 New (extra start page) preface.html 1997-09-19 Minor update yurij.html 1996-09-11 Minor update makefile 1997-06-26 Minor revision tpk90.f New TPK procedure in Fortran 90 intv.f90 New interval.f90 intv_ari.f90 New interval_arithmetics.f90 authors.gif New The authors ecfin32.gif New LookSmart flag_sve.gif New Swedish flag of the same size as the British and the Russian.All these changes are included in version 2.2.
is a list of all new and revised routines from that
version 2.2 was distributed.
a3.html 1998-04-17 Minor correction a5.html 1997-10-01 Minor correction a6.html 1998-07-16 Minor update a7.html 1997-01-08 Minor update a8.html 1998-09-10 Minor update a9.html 1999-04-06 Minor update a11.html 1998-12-04 Minor update answers.html 1998-08-24 Minor update c1.html 1999-04-06 Minor spelling corrections c2.html 1999-04-06 Minor spelling corrections c3.html 1999-04-06 Minor spelling corrections c4.html 1999-04-06 Minor spelling corrections c6.html 1999-04-06 Minor spelling corrections c7.html 1999-04-06 Minor spelling corrections c8.html 1999-04-06 Minor spelling corrections c9.html 1999-04-06 Minor spelling corrections c10.html 1999-04-06 Minor spelling corrections c11.html 1999-04-06 Minor spelling corrections c12.html 1998-09-07 Minor update cray.html 1998-06-30 Minor update digital.html 1998-06-30 Minor update fortran.html 1999-03-24 Minor update f77to90.html 1998-07-10 Minor update f95.html 1998-09-11 Minor update intro.html 1998-03-09 Minor update nag.html 1998-06-30 Minor update nas.html 1998-07-01 Minor update references.html 1998-06-05 Minor update sun.html 1998-06-30 Minor update tpkf.F 1997-09-26 TPK procedure in F (New extension .F) readme.txt 1998-09-10 pc_e.html 1999-04-06
Main page, with links to all other pages is f77to90.html. Pictures are in the subdirectory gifs and source code in the subdirectory code. The chapters are c(digit).html and the appendices are a(digit).html. All other document names are self explanatory, except fortran.html, which includes external links to other Fortran documents.
On your computer you put the file on the directory where you wish the subdirectory f77to90 to be created. There you give the command pkunzip -d on MS-DOS and unzip on UNIX. You then get the files installed on one directory with the HTML-files, one subdirectory gifs with pictures and one subdirectory code with the source code.
Under Windows 95 you have to use the program WinZip for Windows 95 in order to manage the long filenames. On Macintosh you unpack with the program Zipit, with the alternative "conversion to PC-files" switched off.
You can now also obtain the tutorial as a self-extracting file under Windows 95 using anonymous ftp from the computer on the file pub/bibliotek/f77to90.exe.
If you have received the file on an MS-DOS diskette from me I name the file F7TO9TAR.Z. On your computer you put this file (with the new name f77to90.tar.Z) on the directory where you wish the subdirectory f77to90 to be created. There you give the commands uncompress f77to90.tar.Z followed with tar xvf f77to90.tar on UNIX. You then get the files installed on one directory with the HTML-files, one subdirectory gifs with pictures and one subdirectory code with the source code.