21. Routing
For routing you need to:
- Determine class of IP address and IANA network
- Apply netmasks to address (internal)
- Remove reserved numbers
Differences between Static and Dynamic Routing
- Static Routing
Default Routing
- Pro - requires no software, and is easy
- Against Only default entries allowed (to setup you need /etc/defaultrouter which
contains names or IPs of routers on your segment)
Custom Tables
- Pro Exactly how you like
- Against (a) No way to do automatically in operating system, you need to make a
script (b) to setup remove in.routed and in.rdisc (in /etc/rc2.d/s69inet) and add route
commands (i.e. route add)
- Dynamic Routing
- Happens on the fly
- The networking protocol adjusts automatically for topology or traffic changes
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