17. Memory

Solaris System V UNIX uses multiple types of memory. Between the CPU and RAM is the MMU (Memory Maintenance Unit) which keeps track of stuff in memory (RAM). The ZFOD (Zero Fill On Demand) – doesn’t use memory, it just tells that zero will be in place, this is used to save memory space. There is also PROM memory (programmable read only memory) and other types of memory. Some commands that are for memory are:

  1. If there is lots of free RAM, then there will be a “deadwood swap.”
  2. If there is a moderate amount of free RAM, then you will notice a shortage of RAM.
  3. Desfree (desperate free) - If there is little free space left in RAM, then the system will start swapping active processes, and doing deadwood swaps
  4. When there is ½ of desfree, then the system will allow no new processes, no new memory, and will do busy swap (which means 10 biggest processes get swapped out, no matter what), or the computer will recover or crash. For a swap partition you have to repartition and lose all data (best way to go).

For a swap partition the slice must be in place, not be mounted, not a cache, not a database, and not zero size. (format or prtvtoc will give you information about your partitions) swap –a /dev/dsk/[disk address] to make a swap partition, then do a reboot. cat>> /etc/vfstab shows vfstab for mounting info, would look like “/dev/dsk/c0t0d0s0 - - swap – no –“ . swap –s shows swap space, swap –l shows swap partition.

RAM + Swap space = virtual memory

kernel must run processes

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