14. Mounting
mount will create a file structure (syntax- mount [where to mount]/mnt, i.e. mount /dev/dsk/c0t1d0s0/mnt)
umount /mnt takes the files and directories and hides them until you mount them So you would remount by mount [device name] [where you want it to go], i.e. mount /dev/dsk/c0t1d0s0 /export/home/mine
All directories and files are mounted on the partitions
Mount is a hook for everything else to attach the first time. Mount ties everything together like /etc to / (root) and so on, kind of like a pyramid, where root is the apex, and the files go down from there all hooked together.
Rules for unmounting
The fuser c [dir name] will tell who is using the directory
Steps to set up a new disk and to free up space:
- format to partition
- newfs to create file system on new partition
- mount file system to temporary place
- cp (copy) old location to temporary directory
- rmdir (delete) old copy (if freeing up space)
- umount from temp location
- mount file system on old location (like linking, except you are putting info on new physical device but making it look the same in the tree, /etc/vfstab is a database for doing this)
In mount option field put re (read-only), nosuid (no setting user id),example: mount[device to mount] [device to fsck] [mount point] [file type] [fsck pass any number but 1] [ mount at boot?] [mount options] i.e. mount /dev/dsk/c0t1d0s0 /dev/dsk/c0t1d0s0 /export/home/paul ufs 5 yes nosuid
Mount has two arguments: mount [physical gear to mount] [mount point] i.e. mount /dev/dsk/c0t0d0s0 /etc/usr
vfstab no blank lines
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