- a pixmap is an off screen chunk of memory that has many of the properties that a window
- both windows and pixmaps are call drawables in X, that is applications can draw in them,
in the case of windows the drawings are immediately visible on the screen, and in the case
of pixmaps they must be copied to the screen
- like a window, a pixmap has a width and height, which specifies how many pixels are in
the pixmap and a depth which specifies the number of bits in each pixel
- a bitmap is a pixmap with depth 1, that is the pixels can be either 0 or 1
- bitmaps and pixmaps have many uses in X applications, some of their uses are:
- icons
- cursors
- background patterns for windows
- border patterns for windows
- fill patterns
- we will look at how we create, modify and use pixmaps and bitmaps
- we can create a pixmap (or bitmap) using the following procedure:
Pixmap XCreatePixmap(display, drawable, width, height,
Display *display;
Drawable drawable;
unsigned int width, height;
unsigned int depth;
- a pixmap is associated with a particular X server and a particular screen on that
server, in most cases the pixmap will be stored in the server not the client program
- the first parameter identifies the server where the pixmap will be stored
- in Xt applications we can retrieve a display pointer from a widget using XtDisplay,
which behaves in the following way:
Display *XtWindow(w)
Widget w;
- the next parameter identifies the screen associated with the pixmap, this parameter is
one of the drawables that is already on the screen
- in Xt applications we can use XtScreen to determine the screen for a widget, and then
use RootWindow of screen to find a drawable
- to go from a widget, w, to a drawable, d, on its screen the following can be used
d = RootWindowOfScreen(XtScreen(w))
- the width and height parameters give the size of the pixmap
- the depth parameter gives the number of bits in each pixel of the pixmap, if depth = 1
then a bitmap is created
- the depth of a pixmap mustn't be greater than the depth of the screen it is associated
with, if the depth is greater the pixmap can't be displayed
- given a screen, DefaultDepthOfScreen can be used to determine this maximum depth
- given a widget, w, we can get the maximum depth of the corresponding screen, max, in the
following way:
max = DefaultDepthOfScreen(XtScreen(w))
- so if we have a widget w and we want to create a pixmap for it that is 100x50 pixels
than we would use the following:
Pixmap p;
p = XCreatePixmap(XtDisplay(w),
100, 50, DefaultDepthOfScreen(XtScreen(w)));
- the resources occupied by a pixmap can be freed by calling XFreePixmap, this procedure
has the following declaration:
XFreePixmap(display, pixmap)
Display *display;
Pixmap pixmap;
- to free the previously allocated pixmap we could use the following call:
XFreePixmap(XtDisplay(w), p);
- it is a good idea to free all the pixmaps that your program created before exiting from
the program, pixmaps are stored in the server, if they are not freed they could remain
allocated after the program exits, if you create a lot of large pixmaps after running your
program several times you may run out of memory
- bitmaps are very common, since all displays have a depth of at least one, they can be
used in all applications, as a result there are many utilities to support bitmaps
- there is a standard format for storing bitmaps, this is an Ascii format that happens to
be valid C code
- bitmap files have the following format:
#define name_width nnn
#define name_height nnn
#define name_x_hot x
#define name_y_hot y
static char name_bits[] = { .... };
- name is the base name of the file that the bitmap is stored in
- name_width and name_height are the size of the bitmap, and name_bits is an array
containing the actual bits the make up the bitmap image
- name_x_hot and name_y_hot are the position of the hot spot if the bitmap is used to
define a cursor, these are optional
- since a bitmap file is legal C code it can be included in any C program, this is one way
of retrieving the information stored in a bitmap file
- on most systems there is a collection of standard bitmaps in the directory
/usr/include/X11/bitmaps, an example of one of these bitmaps is:
#define xlogo16_width 16
#define xlogo16_height 16
static char xlogo16_bits[] = {
0x0f, 0x80, 0x1e, 0x80, 0x3c, 0x40, 0x78, 0x20, 0x78, 0x10, 0xf0, 0x08,
0xe0, 0x09, 0xc0, 0x05, 0xc0, 0x02, 0x40, 0x07, 0x20, 0x0f, 0x20, 0x1e,
0x10, 0x1e, 0x08, 0x3c, 0x04, 0x78, 0x02, 0xf0};
- bitmaps can also be created using the bitmap editor, this is an interactive editor for
- there are two ways for converting butmap files into bitmap, one includes the bitmap file
with the program source code and the other reads the file and creates the bitmap while the
program is running
- in the first approach the bitmap file is included in the program itself, so for example
if we wanted to use the xlogo16 bitmap we would have the following include statement in
our program
#include < X11/bitmaps/xlogo16 >
- the bitmap can then be created using the the XCreateBitmapFromData procedure, that has
the following declaration:
Pixmap XCreateBitmapFromData(display, drawable, data,
width, height);
Display *display;
Drawable drawable;
char *data;
unsigned int width, height;
- most of the information that we need for this procedure comes from the bitmap file, such
as the data, width and height parameters
- given a widget w, and the xlogo16 bitmap file, we can create the bitmap in the following
Pixmap logo
logo = XCreateBitmapFromData(XtDisplay(w),
RootWindowOfScreen(XtScreen(w)), xlogo16_bits,
xlogo16_width, xlogo16_height);
- in order to use this approach you must know the name of the bitmap when the program is
compiled, otherwise you can't include it with the program, this isn't always possible
- the main advantage of this approach is that the bitmap file doesn't need to be shipped
with the application, it is already included in the program code
- the other approach is to read the bitmap file while the program is executing and then
convert it to a bitmap
- this can be done by calling the XReadBitmapFile procedure, which has the following
int XReadBitmapFile(display, drawable, filename, width_return,
height_return, bitmap_return, x_hot_return,
Display *display;
Drawable drawable;
char *filename;
unsigned int *width_return, height_return;
Pixmap *bitmap_return;
int *x_hot_return, *y_hot_return;
- this procedure reads the file given by the filename parameter and constructs a bitmap
from the image in the file, if this is successful BitmapSuccess is returned as the value
of this procedure
- the size of the bitmap is returned in the addresses given by width_return and
height_return, and a pointer to the bitmap is returned in bitmap_return
- if the bitmap has a hot spot it is returned in the locations given by x_hot_return and
y_hot_return, if there is no hot spot the value -1 is returned for both of these
- - there is also a procedure for writing bitmaps to a file, its declaration is:
int XWriteBitmapFile(display, filename, bitmap, width, height,
x_hot, y_hot);
Display *display;
char *filename;
Pixmap bitmap;
unsigned int width, height;
int x_spot, y_spot;
- if these procedure is successful is returns BitmapSuccess
- if the bitmap doesn't have a hot spot the values of x_spot and y_spot should be -1
- a Pixmap of depth greater than 1 can also be created from the bitmap data in a bitmap
- the XCreatePixmapFromBitmapData procedure is used for this, its declaration is:
Pixmap XCreatePixmapFromBitmapData(display, drawable, data
width, height, fg, bg, depth);
Display *display;
Drawable drawable;
char *data;
unsigned int width, height;
unsigned long fg, bg;
unsigned int depth;
- in this procedure data, width and height come from the bitmap data and depth is the
depth of the resuling pixmap
- the parameters fg, and bg are two colours (indices into the colourmap for the window)
that are used to convert the bitmap data into pixmap data
- the bitmap pixels with value 1 are converted into pixmap pixels with value fg, and the
bitmap pixels with value 0 are converted into pixmap pixels with value bg
- the resulting pixmap only has two colours in it, but it can be of any depth
- to see how bitmaps are used we will build a simple program that allows us to view the
bitmaps in the standard X11 bitmap directory
- this example program uses a label widget to show the bitmap, and its uses a list widget
to show all of the files in the directory
- when the user selects a filename from the list widget the corresponding bitmap is shown
in the label widget
* dispmap.c
* This program allows the user to view all the
* bitmaps in the /usr/include/X11/bitmaps directory
* A list widget is used to display the names of
* all the bitmaps in this directory. When the
* user selects one of these bitmaps it is read in
* and displayed in a label widget.
#include < X11/StringDefs.h >
#include < X11/Intrinsic.h >
#include < X11/Xaw/Box.h >
#include < X11/Xaw/Label.h >
#include < X11/Xaw/List.h >
#include "../lib/lib.h"
#include < dirent.h >
* base is the name of the directory containing
* the bitmaps
char base[] = "/usr/include/X11/bitmaps";
* show_bitmap is the callback procedure for
* the list widget. The procedure is called
* when the user selects a filename from
* the widget. This procedure constructs
* the complete pathname for the bitmap,
* reads it, and then makes it the icon
* for the label widget.
void show_bitmap(w,label,file)
Widget w;
Widget label;
XawListReturnStruct file; {
char filename[100];
unsigned int width, height;
Pixmap bitmap;
int x_hot, y_hot;
Arg wargs[5];
int n;
filename, &width, &height, &bitmap,
&x_hot, &y_hot);
n = 0;
XtSetArg(wargs[n], XtNbitmap, bitmap); n++;
XtSetValues(label, wargs, n);
* The make_list procedure builds the list widget
* that is used in this program. It makes two
* passes through the directory. The firs pass
* counts the number of files in the directory,
* the is used to dynamically allocate the list
* of file names. The second pass actually
* constructs the list of file names. After
* that the list is added to the list widget.
Widget make_list(box,label)
Widget box;
Widget label; {
Widget list;
char **labels;
int n;
int len;
DIR *dir;
struct dirent *entry;
int i;
list = XtCreateManagedWidget("bitmaps",listWidgetClass,
box, NULL, 0);
dir = opendir(base);
n = 0;
while(readdir(dir) != NULL) n++;
labels = (char **) malloc((n+1) * (sizeof *labels));
i = 0;
while((entry = readdir(dir)) != NULL) {
* don't include . and .. in the list
if(strcmp(entry->d_name,".") == 0)
if(strcmp(entry->d_name,"..") == 0)
len = entry->d_namlen + 1;
labels[i] = (char *) malloc(len+1);
labels[i] = 0;
XawListChange(list,labels,0, 0, 1);
XtAddCallback(list, XtNcallback, show_bitmap, label);
int argc;
char **argv; {
Widget toplevel;
Widget box;
Widget list;
Widget label;
Widget quit;
toplevel = XtInitialize(argv[0],"display", NULL, 0,
box = XtCreateManagedWidget("box",boxWidgetClass,
toplevel, NULL, 0);
label = XtCreateManagedWidget("icon",labelWidgetClass,
box, NULL, 0);
quit = quit_button(box);
list = make_list(box,label);