2. Simple Widgets
- the label widget places a label string on the screen
- the command widget places a label string on the screen and can also be selected by the
user, when selected the callback procedures are called
- a toggle is a command widget that has state, it can be either in the on or off state
- toggle widgets can also be used to build radio groups
- when a toggle widget is selected its callbacks are called
- that application can also determine the current state of the toggle widget by examining
the state resource
- the resources in a widget can be retrieved by using the XtGetValues procedure, this
procedure is similar to the XtSetValues procedures that is used to set the resource values
- the declaration of this procedure is:
XtGetValues(w, args, num_args)
Widget w;
ArgList args;
int num_args;
- the args parameter to this function has essentially the same format as the args
parameter to the XtSetValues procedure, the XtSetArg macro can be used to set up the args
- the only difference is that the value parameter to the macro must be a pointer, the
location where the resource value will be stored
- to retrieve the value of the state resource of a toggle widget we could use the
following code:
int state;
Arg wargs[10];
Widget tog;
tog = XtCreateManagedWidget("toggle", toggleWidgetClass, ...);
XtSetArg(wargs[0], XtNstate, &state);
XtGetValues(tog, wargs, 1);
- on return from the XtGetValues call the integer variable state will contain the state of
the toggle widget
- toggle widgets can be grouped together to form radio buttons, this is called a radio
group in Athena, in a radio group only one button can be in the "on" state
- there are two toggle resources that are used to form radio groups: radioGroup and
- the radioGroup resource is used to identify all the toggles that are in the group, the
value of this resource is the widget identifier of another toggle in the radio group
- the easiest way to handle this is to use one of the toggles as the name of the radio
group, and use this widget as the value of the radioGroup resource for all the toggles in
the group
- the easiest way to set up a radio group is to use the XawToggleChangeRadioGroup
procedure, the declaration of this procedure is: XawToggleChangeRadioGroup(w, radio group)
- Widget w; Widget radio group; -
- the first parameter is the widget to be added to the radio group and the second
parameter is the widget that identifies the radio group
- we will see how this procedure is used in the example
- the radioData resource is used to identify the individual toggles in the radio group,
this resource is rarely used, but it is a bit tricky
- the radioData resource is a pointer, the toggle widget uses pointer comparisons to find
a toggle widget given a radioData value
- Warning: the default value of this resource is useless, do not use it
- the best way to handle this resource is to allocate a block of memory and use it as the
radioData value
- to see how the toggle widget can be used to create radio buttons we will look at a
procedure that creates radio boxes for us
- this procedure creates a radio box that can be used to change the value of a single
variable, this variable is an integer and it is assumed that it can take a small fixed set
of values
- the values of this variable could be the size of a text font
- the input to this procedure is a list of names to be used on the radio buttons, the
values corresponding to these names, a pointer to the variable and the initial value of
the variable
- the radio box procedure first creates a box widget to contain the radio buttons, then it
creates one toggle widget for each name, the toggle widgets are grouped into a radio
group, the toggle corresponding to the initial value is found, and made the currently
selected button
- the radio box procedure returns the widget id of the box widget
- the radio box procedure has a private callback procedure that sets the variable to its
new value, this callback procedure has as client data a pointer to a structure that
contains the new value for the variable and a pointer to the variable
- the test program creates a radio box with 5 buttons, it has a print command that prints
the current value of the variable to test whether it is set correctly
* rbox.c
* Simple radio button utility. The radio_box procedure creates
* a widget hierarchy that contains a box widget plus an
* arbitrary number of toggle widgets that are organized as
* a radio group. The radio box hierarchy is used to maintain
* the value of a variable, this variable can have one of
* a small set of values, with each value represented by one
* of the radio buttons. When a radio button is pressed the
* value of the variable changes. The parameters passed to
* the radio_box procedure is a list of names for the buttons,
* the variable value corresponding to each button, and a
* pointer to the variable to be changed. The value returned
* is the widget id of the box widget
#include < X11/StringDefs.h >
#include < X11/Intrinsic.h >
#include < X11/Xaw/Box.h >
#include < X11/Xaw/Toggle.h >
struct radio_struct {
int *variable;
int value;
static void rgback(w,rs,call)
Widget w;
struct radio_struct *rs;
XtPointer call; {
*(rs->variable) = rs->value;
Widget radio_box(parent,names,values,variable,initial)
Widget parent; /* parent of the radio box */
char *names[];
int *values;
int *variable;
int initial; {
struct radio_struct *rs;
Widget togs[100];
int ntogs;
char *init_name;
Widget box;
Widget group;
int len;
Arg wargs[10];
int index;
int i;
box = XtCreateManagedWidget("box",boxWidgetClass,parent,
NULL, 0);
ntogs = 0;
while(names[ntogs] != 0) {
togs[ntogs] = XtCreateWidget(names[ntogs],
if(ntogs == 0)
group = togs[0];
rs = (struct radio_struct *) malloc(sizeof *rs);
rs->variable = variable;
rs->value = values[ntogs];
index = -1;
for(i=0; i < ntogs; i++)
if(values[i] == initial)
index = i;
if(index < 0)
index = 0;
*variable = values[index];
len = strlen(names[index]) + 1;
init_name = (char *)malloc(len);
* rtest.c
* Test program for the radio box
#include < X11//StringDefs.h >
#include < X11/Intrinsic.h >
#include < X11/Xaw/Box.h >
#include < X11/Xaw/Command.h >
#include "lib.h"
char *names[] = {
int values[] = {
int var;
void var_print(w,client,call)
Widget w;
XtPointer client;
XtPointer call; {
printf("var: %d\n",var);
main(argc, argv)
int argc;
char **argv; {
Widget toplevel;
Widget box;
Widget buttons;
Widget quit;
Widget print;
toplevel = XtInitialize(argv[0],"rtest",NULL, 0,
box = XtCreateManagedWidget("main",boxWidgetClass,
toplevel, NULL, 0);
print = XtCreateManagedWidget("print", commandWidgetClass,
box, NULL, 0);
XtAddCallback(print, XtNcallback, var_print, NULL);
quit = quit_button(box);
buttons = radio_box(box,names,values,&var,1);
- the list widget is used to display a list of items on the screen, these items are
character strings
- the user can select one of the items from the list, when this occurs the previously
selected item is unhighlighted, the new item is highlighted, and the callback for the list
widget is called
- the list resource contains the strings that are displayed in the widget, this value can
be set through XtSetValues, or the XawListChange procedure can be used, the declaration of
this procedure is:
void XawListChange(w, list, nitems, longest, resize)
Widget w;
String *list;
int nitems;
int longest;
Boolean resize;
- list should be a NULL terminated array of character strings, in this case the list
widget will compute the value of nitems, the value of longest will also be computed by the
list widget if its value is less than 1
- if resize is True the widget will attempt to change its size to fit the current list of
- the callback data for this widget is a pointer to a struct that contains the character
string selected along with the index of the string in the list
Go to Xt and the Athena Widgets
Go to Index
Go to Composite Widgets