20. References
The Fortran Market contains a listing of
selected books and free online tutorials on Fortran
The comments below are by Bo Einarsson.
- Jeanne C. Adams, Walter S. Brainerd, Jeanne T. Martin, Brian T. Smith and Jerrold L.
Wagener: Fortran 90 Handbook, Complete ANSI/ISO Reference, McGraw-Hill, New York 1992.
ISBN 0-07-000406-4. $79.95.
Complete guide to Fortran 90 and its use. Written by persons that were involved in the
development of Fortran 90. Contains hundreds of examples. However, most of these are very
short and not complete program units. Much more readable and easier to use than the formal
standards, but in spite of this it is not suitable as the only aid to a beginner in
Fortran 90.
- ANSI: Programming Language Fortran, X3.9-1978, American
National Standard. $24.00.
The official standard for Fortran 77. It is possible to use for reference, but it
requires that you know the basics of the language.
It is now also available in an HTML version of the Fortran
77 Standard.
- ANSI: Programming Language Fortran 90, X3.198-1992, American National Standard.
The official American standard for Fortran 90. The same book as ISO below.
- Katarina Blom: Fortran 90 - en introduktion, Studentlitteratur, Lund 1994. ISBN
A tutorial in Swedish on Fortran 90. The book also describes some basic programming
practices and numerical methods. No previous programming experience is required.
- Walter S. Brainerd, Charles H. Goldberg and
Jeanne C. Adams: Programmer's Guide to Fortran 90, Third Edition, Springer, 1995. DEM
58.00. ISBN 0-387-94570-9
One of the first books about Fortran 90. Easy to read. Each new concept that is
presented is given a simple example and therefore you can easily see how each concept is
used. The book is written by persons that were involved in the development of Fortran 90.
The book is recommended.
- Stephen J Chapman: Introduction to Fortran 90/95, McGraw-Hill, Boston 1998. ISBN
- Thomas F. Coleman and Charles Van Loan: Handbook for Matrix Computations,
Frontiers in Applied Mathematics, Vol. 4, SIAM, Philadelphia 1988. ISBN 0-89871-227-0.
The first chapter is an excellent introduction to Fortran 77. Very easy to read. Also
- Martin Counihan: Fortran 90, Pitman, London 1990. ISBN 0-273-03073-6.
I have not seen this book, but it is rumoured to be easy to understand and it gives a
lot of examples.
- Martin Counihan: Fortran 95, UCL Press, London 1996. ISBN 1-85728-367-8.
- Cray: Fortran Language Reference Manual, Volume 1, SR-3902 3.0, Volume 2, SR-3903
3.0, Volume 3, SR-3905 3.0,
Treats not only the whole language Fortran 90 but also how it is used on the Cray, with
some extensions.
- DEC: DEC Fortran, Language Reference Manual, AA-PNU0A-TK, March 1992.
This is a complete manual which also treats Fortran 77 and all the extensions made by
Digital. Necessary for DEC-programmers. Very expensive.
- DEC: DEC Fortran for ULTRIX RISC Systems, User Manual, AA-PNU1A-TE, March 1992.
Auxiliary manual on the ULTRIX - environment for Fortran 77. Necessary book for the
serious DEC-programmer. Is usually bought together with the book above.
- Zane Dodson: A Fortran 90 Tutorial,
Computer Science Department, University of New Mexico, 27 June 1994.
PostScript, 56 pages.
- Stacey L. Edgar: FORTRAN for the '90s, Problem Solving for Scientists and
Engineers, Computer Science Press, New York, 1992. ISBN 0-7167-8247-2. $19.95.
Complete textbook in both programming in Fortran 77 and in Fortran 90. Many examples
from many different areas from science and technology. In each chapter new features of
Fortran 90 are discussed and Fortran 90 is also more fully discussed in the concluding
chapter. The book is recommended.
- Bo Einarsson: Lärobok i Fortran 90/95, Linus &
Linnea, Linköping 1994.
Fortran 90 Tutorial in Swedish, PostScript version. Available according to instructions
on my Fortran page.
- Bo Einarsson: Lärobok i Fortran 90, Linköping 1995.
Fortran 90 Tutorial in Swedish, hypertext
- Bo Einarsson and Yurij Shokin:
FORTRAN-90, Kniga dlja programmiruyushchikh na yazyke Fortran-77, Izdatel'stvo Sibirskogo
Otdeleniya Rossijskaya Akademiya Nauk, Novosibirsk 1995. ISBN 5-85826-013-6.
Fortran 90 for the Fortran 77 programmer, Textbook in Russian, published by the
Siberian Division of the Russian Academy of Sciences,
Novosibirsk 1995.
Cover and Title page are available as
- Bo Einarsson: Some Experiences from Teaching Fortran 90, Fortran Journal, Volume
8, Number 1, 1996 January/February, pp. 2, 4-6.
- Torgil Ekman and Göran Eriksson: Programmering i Fortran 77, Third edition,
Studentlitteratur, Lund 1984. ISBN 91-44-16663-X
An excellent tutorial on Fortran 77. Describes all the commands of Fortran. It is
recommended to previously have read a book on another language, like Pascal. Appendix C is
both well-done and very important. The book is recommended to those who are fluent in
- T. M. R. Ellis: Fortran 77 Programming, Second Edition, Addison-Wesley Publishing
Company, Reading, Massachusetts 1990. ISBN 0-201-41638-7.
Complete book in both programming in general and in Fortran 77. Many examples and good
exercises. The last chapter treats Fortran 90.
- T. M. R. Ellis, I. R. Philips and T. M. Lahey: Fortran 90 Programming,
Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Reading, Massachusetts 1994. ISBN 0-201-54446-6.
Complete book in both programming in general and in Fortran 90. Many examples and good
exercises. The book is recommended.
- High Performance Fortran Forum: High Performance Fortran
Language Specification, Version 1.0, 3 May 1993. Technical Report CRPC-TR 92225, Center
for Research on Parallel Computation, Rice University, Houston, Texas 77251.
Available via anonymous ftp from titan.cs.rice.edu as the file /public/HPFF/draft/hpf-v10-final.ps.Z.
Includes 12 + 184 pages. Also available here. It has also been
published in the Fortran Forum, Vol. 12, No. 4 (December 1993), Vol. 13, No. 2,
(June 1994), and Vol. 13, No. 3, (September 1994).
Very easy to read compared with most other standards, and has many good examples.
The latest versions are now available both in
PostScript and HTML from Rice University or from the mirror at Vienna University.
- Wilhelm Gehrke: Fortran 90 Referenz-Handbuch, Hanser, München 1991. ISBN
3-446-16321-2. DM 168.00.
Complete description in German of Fortran 90. The book can be used as a textbook but it
is mainly for reference use. I find it rather easy to read. It treats and explains
everything. It is very similar to the book of Adams et al.
- Wilhelm Gehrke (editor): Fortran 90 Language Guide, Springer, 1995, ISBN
3-540-19926-8. DM 68.00.
- Wilhelm Gehrke: Fortran 95 Language Guide, Springer, 1996, ISBN 3-540-76062-8. DM
- ISO: ISO/IEC 1539:1991, Information Technology - Programming
Languages - Fortran, Second Edition, 1991-07-01, ISO Publications Department, Case Postale
56, CH-1211 Geneva 20, Switzerland. SFR 185.
The standard can also be available in electronic form both in ASCII and PostScript for a
certain charge from Walt Brainerd, Unicomp Inc., 235 Mt. Hamilton Avenue, Los Altos, CA
94022, Fax + 1 415 949 4058, E-mail walt@fortran.com. Further information is available.
The official standard for Fortran 90. Rather difficult as a dictionary. Requires that
you have read a textbook on Fortran 90. The book is recommended.
- ISO: ISO/IEC 1539-2:1994, Information Technology - Programming
Languages - Fortran - Part 2: Varying length characater strings, ISO Publications
Department, Case Postale 56, CH-1211 Geneva 20, Switzerland.
The complete text is available electronically, see further information on Bo Einarsson's Fortran page.
- James F. Kerrigan: Migrating to Fortran 90, O'Reilly & Associates,
Sebastopol, CA 1993, 389 pages, ISBN 1-56592-049-X. $27.95.
It is a practical guide to Fortran 90 for the current Fortran 77 programmer.
- Charles H. Koelbel, David B. Loveman, Robert S. Schreiber, Guy L.
Steele and Mary E. Zosel:The High Performance Fortran Handbook, The MIT Press,
Cambridge, Massachusetts 1994. ISBN-0-262-61094-9. $ 24.95.
A very good book, not only about HPF but also with very good explanations of various
parts of Fortran 90. The book is recommended.
- Elliot B. Koffman and Frank L. Friedman: Problem Solving and Structured
Programming in Fortran 77, Fourth Edition, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Reading,
Massachusetts 1990. ISBN 0-201-51216-5.
A complete textbook in both programming in general and in Fortran 77. Many examples and
good exercises. Appendix D treats Fortran 8X (the previous version of Fortran 90). I find
this look a little more easy to read than the one of Ellis. The book is recommended.
- Erasmus Langer: Programmieren in Fortran, Springer, Vienna 1993, ISBN
3-211-82446-4. DEM 45.
Tutorial in German on Fortran 90. Contains a unique appendix on the floating point
representation on the most commonly used computers.
- John M. Levesque and Joel W. Williamson: A Guidebook to Fortran on
Supercomputers, Academic Press, San Diego, CA, 1989. ISBN 0-12-444760-0.
This book treats a lot of tricks in order to vectorize Fortran 77 programs, especially
on the Cray. Many of these tricks are however already included in the Cray compiler. The
book also describes some supercomputer architectures.
- Mike Loukides: UNIX for Fortran Programmers, Nutshell Handbooks, O'Reilly &
Associates, Sebastopol, CA 1990, ISBN 0-937175-51-X. $24.95.
An excellent UNIX textbook in Fortran programming. It has taught me how libraries are
used in UNIX. The book is recommended.
- Michael Metcalf: Fortran Optimization, Academic Press, London and New York 1982.
ISBN 0-12-492480-8.
A classical book how you get efficient Fortran 77 programs on a conventional computer.
- Michael Metcalf and John Reid: Fortran 90 Explained, Oxford University Press,
Oxford, 1990. ISBN 0-19-853772-7. $29.95.
This book was reprinted with corrections in 1993. A good and rather easy to read
textbook written by persons involved in the development of Fortran 90. The 1993 printing
contains a very complete application example.
- Michael Metcalf and John Reid: Fortran 90/95 Explained, Oxford University Press,
Oxford, 1996. ISBN 0-19-851888-9.
This book is appended with Fortran 95, and is highly recommended.
- Michael Metcalf: Fortran
90 CNL Articles
- NAG: NAGWare f90 Compiler (Unix), Release 2.0, NP2563, March 1993. ISBN
A short description of the NAG compiler with the listing of all Fortran 90 commands and
the intrinsic functions. It also contains some extensions to the standard, three complete
modules, and information on mixing Fortran 90 and C.
- NAG: FTN90 User's Guide, July 1995. ISBN 1-85206-118-9.
A description of NAG's compiler, linker and other utilities. In addition input/output
and modules in Fortran 90 are discussed. This PC version handbook is much more complete
than the one for UNIX.
- Rama N. Reddy and Carol A. Ziegler: FORTRAN 77 with 90: Applications for
Scientists and Engineers, Second Edition, West Publishing Company, Minneapolis, 1994. ISBN
Basically a textbook on Fortran 77 with Fortran 90 extensions at the end of each
- C. Redwine: Upgrading to Fortran 90, Springer, New York 1995, ISBN-0-387-97995-6,
$ 39.95.
Due August 1995.
- Patrick D. Terry: FORTRAN From Pascal, Addison-Wesley, Wokingham, England, 1987.
ISBN 0-201-17821-4.
The purpose of this book is to be a textbook in Fortran 77 for the one who knows
Pascal. Regrettably, it has more become a book on how to write such programs, that are in
reality more suited for Pascal, in Fortran 77, e.g. simulation of recursion. Fortran ought
to be used at what it is good for, large numerical or technical calculations.
- Christoph Überhuber and Peter Meditz: Software-Entwicklung in Fortran 90,
Springer, Vienna 1993, ISBN 3-211-82450-2. DEM 60.
The first part of this book in German discusses the foundations of numerical computing,
and the second part describes Fortran 90.
- David R. Wille: Advanced Scientific Fortran, John Wiley and Sons Ltd, 1995, ISBN
Author's comments: Aimed at the general numerical community as a whole, it seeks
to provide a stepping stone to better, more efficient and more portable programming for
readers who already have a basic knowledge of Fortran. Topics covered include programming
style, portability, arrays, memory management, the BLAS and LAPACK, and code optimisation.
Also included are NAG, High Performance Fortran and an extensive introduction to Fortran

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