7 Living things
Create, transform, move
Ways of growing
Relations and invariants
Aging and mortality
Butterflies of the soul
Intelligence and consciousness
Referencias y comentarios:
The frontiers between biology and physics and
mathematics is described in “Teaching
biological physics”, Raymond E.
Goldstein, Philip C. Nelson and Thomas R. Powers, Physics Today, page 46, March 2005; “The biological frontier of physics”, Rob Phillips and Stephen Quake, Physics Today, page 38, May 2006; “Mathematical adventures in biology”, Michael W. Deem, Physics
Today, page 42, January 2007; “How in the 20th century physicists, chemists
and biologists answered the question: what is life?”, Valentin
P. Reutov and Alan N. Schechter, Physics-Uspekhi 53, 377 (2010).
See also James Attwater and Philipp Holliger, “Origins of life: The cooperative gene”, Nature, News & Views 17 October
2012, commenting on the possible relevance of cooperation among molecules to
the transition from inanimate chemistry to biology thus allowing for life on
Earth. I avoid here a traditional discussion on which the reader can be
informed in “How physics can inspire biology”, by Alexei Kornyshev,
Physics World, page 16, July 2009,
and further bibliography and comments in this issue. See also “The impact of
physics on biology and medicine”, by Harold Varmus,
See “Differential diffusivity of nodal and lefty
underlies a reaction-diffusion patterning system”, Patrick Müller et al., Science 336, 721 (2012)
See examples in "Reaction-Diffusion Model as a
Framework for Understanding Biological Pattern Formation", by Shigeru
Kondo and Takashi Miura, Science 329,
1616 (2010).
The Belousov-Zhabotinsky
reaction is described in,,
Chemie/Didaktik/Keusch/D-oscill-e.htm, and The properties and consequences of
reaction-diffusion equations are discussed with detail in the book by Marro and
Dickman referenced in Chapter 1.
A classic here is On growth and form,
by D’Arcy W. Thompson (Cambridge University Press 1992; first edited in 1917),
where it is first argued, against the Darwinian orthodoxy of the time, that
structure originates before function and that growth can be explained through
mathematics and physics. Alan Turing latter demonstrated the key role of
chemical instabilities simply described by a set of coupled reaction–diffusion
equations, as mentioned above; see
See also “The genetic basis of
organic form”, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 71, 1223 (1958)
and the book The problem of organic form
(Yale University Press 1963) both by Edmund W. Sinnott,
and The shaping of life: The generation
of biological pattern, by Lionel G. Harrison (Cambridge University Press,
New York 2011).
This follows “Lattice
models of biological growth”, David
A. Young and Ellen M. Corey, Physical Review A 41, 7024 (1990) which also describes extensions of
the method.
This and similar forms are illustrated in
See also Evolutionary Dynamics
- Exploring the Equations of Life, Martin A. Nowak (Harvard
University Press 2006) and
According to “A
general model for ontogenetic growth”,
Geoffrey B. West, James H. Brown and Brian J. Enquist,
Nature 413,
628 (2001). See also the comment “All
creatures great and small” in page
342 of the same volume of Nature; and “Life’s Universal Scaling Laws”, G.B. West and J.H. Brown, Physics Today, page 36, September
2004. The fractal nature of trees is described in The comment
“Why Leaves Aren’t Trees”, Physical
Review Focus 25, 4 (2010),
concerns three related papers in the issue of 29 January 2010, volume 104,
of Physical Review Letters. Also
interesting is “Network Allometry”, by Jayanth R. Banavar et al., in Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society 29,
1508 (2002).
This follows “Scaling and power-laws in ecological
systems”, Pablo A. Marquet et al., The Journal of Experimental
Biology 208, 1749 (2005).
For a general idea and details regarding the advances
in the study of correlation between diet and longevity, see: “Extending healthy
life span — From yeast to humans”, Luigi Fontana, Linda Partridge, Valter D. Longo, Science
328, 321 (2010); “A conserved ubiquitination
pathway determines longevity in response to diet restriction”, Andrea C. Carrano, Zheng Liu, Andrew Dillin and Tony Hunter, Nature
460, 396 (2009); “Amino-acid imbalance explains extension of lifespan by
dietary restriction in Drosophila”, Richard C. Grandison,
Matthew D. W. Piper and Linda Partridge, Nature
462, 1061 (2009);
“The Penna Model for Biological Aging and Speciation”, Suzana Moss
de Oliveira et al., Computing in Science & Engineering,
page 74, May-June 2004.
“Exact law of
live nature”, Mark Ya. Azbel, in Modeling Cooperative
Behavior in the Social Sciences, edited by Pedro L. Garrido,
Joaquín Marro and Miguel A. Muñoz (American Institute of Physics, New York 2005).
On Ramón y Cajal:;;;; and Cajal on the cerebral
cortex: an annotated translation of the complete writings, edited
by Javier Defelipe and Edward G. Jones (Oxford
University Press, New York 1988). On the brain, also and its links such as
On the modeling of the brain structure and functions,
including the “standard model”, see: Daniel J. Amit, Modeling Brain Functions (Cambridge
University Press 1989); Tamás Geszti,
Physical Models of Neural Networks
(World Scientific, Singapore 1990); Pierre Peretto, An Introduction to the Modeling of Neural
Networks (Cambridge Univ. Press 1992). For a comment on how recent
theoretical and computational studies have contributed to our present
understanding on how the brain works, see “Theory and Simulation in
Neuroscience”, Wulfram Gerstner, Henning Sprekeler, and Gustavo Deco, Science 338, 60 (2012).
Warren S. McCulloch and Walter Pitts, “A logical
calculus of the ideas immanent in nervous activity”, Bulletin of Mathematical Biophysics 5, 115 (1943); John J.
Hopfield, “Neurons with graded response have collective computational
properties like those of two-state neurons”, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the U.S.A. 81,
3088 (1984); Mark E.J. Newman, “The structure and function of complex
networks”, SIAM Reviews 45,
167 (2003).
For more details, see “Evolving networks and the development of neural systems”, Samuel Johnson, J. Marro and Joaquín
J. Torres, Journal of Statistical
Mechanics: Theory and Experiment P03003 (2010).
“Algorithms for
identification and categorization”,
in Modeling Cooperative Behavior in the
Social Sciences, Pedro L. Garrido et
al. (American Institute of Physics, New York 2005).
For generalizations of the standard model and applications: “Effect of Correlated Fluctuations of Synapses in the Performance
of Neural Networks”, Physical Review Letters 81, 2827
(1998) and “Neural networks in which
synaptic patterns fluctuate with time”,
Journal of Statistical Physics 94,
837 (1999), J. Marro et al.; “Switching between memories in a neural
automata with synaptic noise”, Neurocomputing 58,
pages 67 and 229 (2004), Jesús M. Cortés et
al.; “Effects of static and
dynamic disorder on the performance of neural automata”, Biophysical Chemistry 115,
285 (2005), Joaquín J. Torres et al.;
“Effects of fast presynaptic noise in
attractor neural networks”, Neural Computation 18, 614
(2004); “Control of neural chaos by synaptic
noise”, Biosystems 87, 186 (2007),
Jesús M. Cortés et al.; “Complex behavior in a network with
time-dependent connections and silent nodes”,
J. Marro et al., Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment P02017
“Chaotic hopping
between attractors in neural networks”,
J. Marro et al., Neural Networks 20, 230 (2007).
On instabilities and critical conditions: “When instability makes sense”, Peter Ashwin
and Marc Timme, Nature
436, 36 (2005); “Are our
senses critical?”,
Dante R. Chialvo, Nature Physics 2,
301 (2006); “Optimal dynamical range
of excitable networks at criticality”,
Osame Kinouchi and Mauro Copelli, Nature
Physics 2, 348 (2006).
On scale invariance in the brain: “Scale-free brain functional networks”, Víctor M. Eguíluz
et al., Physical
Review Letters 94, 018102 (2005); “Functional optimization in complex excitable networks”, Samuel Johnson et al., Europhysics Letters 83, 46006 (2008).
Nota: véanse las referencias y
enlaces que se incluyen en las dispositivas del curso, que a menudo completan
las anteriores.